One Breath

I breathe my first breath & I wonder,
I breathe in the breath of my Mother
I breathe in the breath of my Father,
Breathing deeply & quietly I wonder


I breathe in the breath of a butterfly,
I share it with my sister & brother,
Breathing in and out with a dragonfly,
I giggle & smile & remember!


I breathe in & out with the butterfly,
I breathe with the trees & the flowers,
I giggle & smile & remember!
It's just ONE Breath - we share it with each other!


Then, we honor each breath and treat it with care as
We honor Mother Earth and the breath she shares,
Now everyone sings & we honor each other and know
Its just ONE Breath and we share it with each other!


I breathe in with the stroke of a butterfly’s wing, and out with the wag of a tail.  I breathe in with a snake and out with an elephant and I think that’s the breath of a whale I can smell!


As I wag my tail with the butterfly’s wings, I breathe in and out with my Mother ...

John West
June 2021

Community of Practice to Raise Consciousness

Listen. Are you breathing just a little and calling it a life? --Mary Oliver

We are creating a ongoing community of breath based practices to raise our consciousness as we heal our body and mind.

Featured Topic: Raising Human Consciousness

Where and when?
You can learn to practice these life skills by joining our meetups from the comfort of your homes on Zoom; details follow:
Meeting ID: 975 7305 6064

Day of the week and time: Mondays from 7:00pm to 8:30pm (EDT).

Breathing Miracles Into Being: The Linda Scotson Technique:

Article in the Guardian: Are breathing techniques good for your health?

Breathing Happiness:
The science of cells that never get old:

Wim Hof, The Iceman Cometh | HUMAN Limits:

Want a Better Workout? Just Breathe:
Breathe. Exhale. Repeat: The Benefits of Controlled Breathing:

Breathing for Your Better Health:

If Your Anxiety Makes It Hard to Breathe, Here's What a Therapist Says to Do:

Depths of the breath and ocean

Take a deep breath and dive down to the depths of the ocean -- and life -- with world champion free diver Tanya Streeter who has often been asked to redefine her own limits. In sharing her journeys, she invites us to do the same.

How to Hold Your Breath for 20 Minutes


Stig Åvall Severinsen was the first person to hold his breath for more than 20 minutes under water, a Guinness World Record. He believes that controlling our breath means controlling our lives.

Breathe to Heal

With anxiety, stress, and sleep dysfunction skyrocketing around the globe, it's time we look at the unspoken reasons why. These debilitating challenges can be meaningfully impacted with ten to twenty minutes of breathing exercises per day. Max Strom,who has taught breath-work for 20 years, reveals his insights into the healing power of the breath.

Prana - your energy and you

We're always bombarded with stress and anxiety, hampering our energy levels. We need to make sure that we maintain our energy levels in a positive way. Nephrologist, Dr. Usha Peri, and Art of Living Instructor, Ram Sankaranarayanan will be explaining the concept of Prana (life force in Sanskrit) in this deeply engaging talk.