
Critical Realm

The human mind is like an iceberg with three distinct realms: the conscious, subconscious and the unconscious. The three realms have different contents and different roles. The structure of the mind gives rise to an important question:

Which of the three realms of the mind is critical for our mental health?

A rapid answer from the top of our heads to this question is of course the conscious. Isn't our  mental health dependent on the state of our conscious mind?

Yes, it is but upon what does the state of our conscious mind depend? The state of our conscious mind depends upon the state of our subconscious mind.

How is the state of the subconscious determined?

The state of the subconscious mind is affected by our conscious mind on one side and the unconscious on the other. On the former side, it is determined by the storehouse of experiential memories accumulated since our birth and by the genetic and biochemical inheritance before we are born on the latter.