Our Personality: The Ego Identity

Our limited perceptive senses with which we start our lives on the planet lead to an existential misunderstanding of being unconnected and apart from the rest of existence. This misunderstanding leads to complex mix of feelings and emotions related with our finitude, likes, dislikes and fears with which we start to identify ourselves. This identification is what is known as ego identification. It defines our individual personality. It disconnects us from the core of our own existence by connecting us with our superficial sense perceptions. It is this ego identification that keeps repeatedly eliciting stressful fight or flight response which eventually kills us with physical and mental disorders and keep us from learning by unlocking the secrets of anything profound. This is what keeps us unhealthy and unwell.

It is our ego identification that make us see ourselves as disconnected individuals with no commonality. If we can perceive commonality, there is no perception or concern about the common good. Global good is totally imperceptible. There is no concern about the global environment or warming, trees, rivers, or other living or insentient beings in the world.

It is the ego identification that makes makes us see ourselves as different from the others. We see ourselves either as limited or as strong; not equal but unequal while at the core we are all the same.It is this sense of strenght or weekness that make us act as bullies or think ourselves as helpless spectators unable to make a difference.

Our true identity is that, at our core, we are human embodiments of same subtle principle which embodies itself as an infinity diverse beings in the universe. Once that dawns on us, we lose the false ego identification and gain our true identity which heals us in and out to live like global citizens comfortable and respectful of all around it.
