Escaping the tyranny of the Subconscious and the Unconscious

Sit back and see how a deep breathing session when carried to its ultimate can affect the human mind.

Ordinary State:
Uncontrolled interaction between (1) the subconscious and the conscious, and (2) the subconsious and the unconscious

Deep Breathing Stage 1:
Just beginning deep breathing with the mental interactions practically unchanged; notice conscious effort of the mind and the muscles is required for it

Deep Breathing Stage 2:
After a period of deep breathing, notice the dimming of the strength of the interactions

Deep Breathing Stage 3:
Further period of deep breathing results in further dimming of the strength of the interactions with no disturbances of the conscious by the subconscious

Deep Breathing Stage 4:
With continued deep breathing, notice conscious effort is reduced and yet no distractions of the conscious by the subconscious

Deep Breathing Stage 5:
ontinuing deep breathing requires even lesser effort to keep the conscious free of disturbances by the subconscious

Ultimate Stage:
ontinuing deep breathing requires no noticeable effort and there are almost no mental interactions. At this stage, one just is. Who then is doing the deep breathing? At this stage, we realize that we are THAT who then is running the deep breathing process. Sages call this stage, the state of self realization. In this state, we lose our individual (ego) identification and connect as one with the entirety of existence.