The Truth

What is the  correct understanding of the existence of the universe? Only the correct understanding leads to knowing that we are more than the mere body-mind complex. We have consciousness that makes us see, feel, think and understand. It makes our mind work. Not only the mind, it also makes the body work. Just like there is no atomic integrity without energy which, according to science, underlies the existence of matter, our body-mind complex cannot maintain its existence without consciousness pervading every minutest part of it.

Misunderstanding occurs because we do not come equipped with the tools of using our consciousness fully. When we are born, we cannot even perceive fully. Soon we start seeing. Our sight creates the misunderstanding that identifies us with the body. The part of us that enables us to use our consciousness to think and understand takes months and years to develop. In the meantime, the existential misunderstanding takes root and must be unlearnt with considerable effort.

Most of us get caught up with life and never perceive the need to unlearn early perception. We lead their lives merely perceiving and feeling without much thought and understanding. Life continues on the bases of natural ebb and flow of feelings alone. Very few of us perceive the need to undertake the effort of knowing the truth about our existence and only the bravest amongst them undertake the rigorous discipline in systematic and critical thinking that a search for the truth requires. Those few who succeed in unlearning the initial misunderstanding master the art of fully using their consciousness with critical thinking leading to correct understanding: We are all one. This universe of the sentient and the insentient at its core is indivisibly connected by an unseen reality underlying it all, although on the surface everything appears to the eye as individual beings.

To the extent we learn how to use our consciousness in search of our existential truth leading to right understanding, to that extent we learn how to keep our body-mind healthy and well without external interventions.

To the extent we are successful in personally discovering the truth of our underlying oneness, to that extent we are cured from the slavery of our finitudes, likes, dislikes and fears. They are responsible for our fight or flight response which remains an integral part of our life. Until the truth is finally discovered personally, we must use strategies of eliciting relaxation response such as deep breathing etc. to escape from their deleterious effects on our health and wellness.